Raining stair rods – postpone photo trip?

So far, I’ve heard from one member who can’t make it this evening and another one who thinks it will be too wet, especially for his new camera.

For me – as it has been chucking it down for a while and it is forecast to carry on for the day, I don’t expect to be attending the Newmillerdam shoot this evening.

If things change rapidly, anyone who is going, please let me know and I’ll forward the message to everyone. However, according to my iphone weather app (also known in the family as the ‘samuel never-rght’) there is a 60-70% chance of getting soaked between 6 and 9 tonight.

As the purpose of the trip was to see the sunset, according to the Photographer’s Ephemeris, the Sun is due to set every evening around 9:30, as it shines over the roadway, along the length of the water.

This link photoephemeris.com/tpe-for-desktop takes you to the free on-line version. Scroll down to ‘start using the TPE for Desktop web app’, click it – then in the search box (top left) put ‘Newmillerdam Wakefield’. There’s a free downloadable guide, but the red pin shows the chosen location. Grab it and move it onto the bridge.

The row of boxes below show the bright orange line (sunset time 21:30 tonight). It also shows Moonset, Moon rise, Sunrise and a few other things which someone may understand.

To change the day, click the blue arrows at top left, and clicking the blue clock brings you back to ‘now’. You can also drag the slider along at the bottom of the screen, which indicates the time of day.

Have fun and keep dry.

Watch out for short notice emails/messages for a replacement trip – perhaps in the next few weeks.
