Fwd: Newmillerdam visit and sunset

Subject: Newmillerdam visit and sunset

Monday evening photo shoot.

After suffering the hot sun for a few days, what could be better than watching it disappear and give us a colourful sunset?

Five of us (and a new visitor who may join us later) travelled miles and miles last night, almost as far as Wakefield, to get shots of the expected sunset which did not disappoint (see attached).

As well as the other two trips we have planned, some of you may prefer a day out at Penistone Armed Forces Day on Saturday 24th June. Details can be found at www.penistonearmedforcesday.co.uk and the website assures everyone that there will be a fly-past by a Lancaster bomber, which should be visible from other areas, but they don’t say when it’s coming – so keep the camera handy, where ever you are.
