We had a nice day yesterday – bright and sunny, then my daughter sent me the photo (attached).
This was taken about 30 or 40 miles north of Dubai near Ras al Khaimah (RaK)
The first time snow they’ve seen snow, although it may have fallen before but they didn’t go out in it.
The funny point (for my sense of humour) is that their air conditioning only cools the air down and nobody has heating installed. That’s global warming for you.
Don’t forget – Monday evening is our Portrait Competition and if you’re preparing for any future competitions. don’t forget that we are now submitting up to 3 digital images, but still only having up to 2 prints.
Being February, now, this month’s theme is ‘The Kitchen’ – so get your thinking caps on and lens caps off to find an interesting shot to do with the kitchen, then save your monthly theme images to show us all at the end of the year.
The week after next (13th), everyone can take part and share what they know about the use of mobile phones and social media for photography – that’s when I find out whether or not I’ve learned how to use the website/facebook link for Barnsley Photographic Society’s website news, such as this message – but if you receive it, I’m halfway there.
Also expecting a couple of new visitors as potential members.