Fwd: Monday 24th April

Evening all

hope you’ve been enjoying the warm day as much as you could, before the winter comes back in the next couple of days. I’ve just been out to find my pitch for next Sunday’s cycle-past and it’s interesting to note that many of the small country lanes around Stocksbridge are in the middle of resurfacing. After pedaling up all those hills, I suppose it would be uncomfortable on a bumpy road. How thoughtful.

Monday evening – don’t forget that this is not our final meeting. We meet again on 8th May at Emmanuel when we’ll be reviewing the year so far, discussing what’s set up for over the summer months, finalising the programme for the rest of 2017 (more or less done, but we’re still trying to get judges for some), then discuss how you’d all like the activities to pan out for next year and beyond. In the absence of a volunteer to be the Programme Secretary, the programme will remain much as it has been, with as many amendments as members request on 8th May, and our current big headache is the number of competitions between September and December, especially when judges are becoming a rarity across the YPU circuit.

One important activity I have to do on the 8th is to set the President’s Trophy Competition topic for over the summer. This is a photographic challenge for everyone to join in. General description/definition is on the website, in that it will be one entry presented on a 50x40cm (20x16inch) mount/card. To enter, you must bring it in on, and for the duration of, the President’s Evening (first Monday back in September) and we will judge it by member ballot, as with the little gems scoring system. I will then keep you entertained for the rest of that evening – and try not to mention any Dubai photographs.

Back to Monday 24th. The judge will be coming to Wade Street Chapel, as it’s actually easier for her to get to than Huddersfield Road – straight off the M1 at Dodworth, etc. For those who haven’t been before, the car park (a pay & display, but it’s free after 6pm) is just about opposite the Jet garage, 150 yards from the Chapel.

As I’ll at Stocksbridge on the night, judging, and Bill is being forced to enjoy his birthday with his family, this will be a nice quiet evening for everyone else, so come along and enjoy the peace and quiet. The place should be opened up between 7:30 and 7:45 and the key holder only lives across the road, so locking up is no problem. One thing we do have to do when using the Chapel is get all our projection stuff there, screen and all, so a few strong volunteers may be sought to help do some carrying in and out.

Hope the competition goes well for all those who’ve entered, and I’ll see you all at our extra meeting, 8th May, around 7:45 for 8 o’clock start.


PS – a quick reminder – if you haven’t yet been to Wath Library to see the Yorkshire Monochrome Group’s black and white exhibition, then make sure you do – it’s well worth the trip, and closes on 28th April.