
The club meets at 7:30pm on Monday evenings, between September and April at the Emmanuel Methodist Church on Huddersfield Road, Barnsley S75 1DT.


Formed in 1924, it has met in a number of different venues until it came to its present location where the facilities are excellent.

With Digital Photography and Digital Imaging becoming the main choice of many photographers, the society has embraced this and has some equipment for training and use by society members. The programme includes evenings of hands on photography where new photographers can gain experience from the more seasoned photographers in our society and even the more experienced often learn a tip or two from their fellow members.

Competitions are held among the society members throughout the year and all members regardless of skill level are encouraged to participate.

New Members are always welcome, so come along and visit us. Refreshments are available. Thank you for visiting this site. We look forward to seeing you in person.

Serving Committee Members

  1. President – Jeff Moore
  2. Treasurer – Jeff Moore
  3. Deputy Treasurer – Bill Ixer
  4. General Secretary – Correen Cetinturk
  5. Programme Secretary – Phil Edwards
  6. Competition Secretary – Dave Rippon
  • Deputy Competition Secretary – Jeff Moore
  • YPU Representative – Phil Edwards
  • AV Show Coordinator – Bill Ixer
  • Exhibition Coordinator – Phil Edwards
  • Committee Member – 
  • Web Secretary – Dave Rippon
Did you know?

The Barnsley Photographic Society was founded on May 21, 1924 in the Shambles Street photographic studio of a Mr A Roberts. The original subscription was five shillings per year!